Tech Plan 6 July 2014 | Page 23

CC4.2 We have access to many tools that we are not using to their fullest potential for collaboration and communication, like Google Hangouts, Skype, Edmodo, etc. ! CC4.3 Translators for documents, IEPs etc. might not be accessible or utilized. We are not aware of all the district's capabilities and expectations of regarding translation of documents into parents' native languages.! CC5.1: Baseline expectations for teachers and their communication with parents need to be defined at the elementary and middle school levels. There is inconsistent use of social media to communicate with parents. Clear expectations from the school district in regards to communication with parents is needed. Methods throughout schools across the district for the community to rely upon to gain more information about their schools is inconsistent.! ! Strategies and Activities! Description of Activity Gap(s) Addressed Staff Responsible Resources Needed 1. Establish and publicize the baseline standard for communication with a committee of Admin (district and school), teachers (middle and elementary), and parents. CC1.1 ! CC1.2 ! CC1.3! CC1.4! CC2.1! CC5.1 T25, Admin Mtg. Time and a place to meet 2. Explore and develop a baseline social media standard outlining preferred platforms, content of communications and frequency of communication. CC 3.1 DTA, Admin Mtg. Time and a place to meet 3. Develop a plan for communicating with families who don’t have internet access. CC 4.1 DTA, Student Services 4. Provide professional development for the various social media/blogging tools available to include real life examples of how to best utilize the tools in the educational setting. CC 4.2 T25, TF 5. Investigate translating capabilities for parents in their native language. CC 4.3 T25, Student Services 6. Investigate alternative web hosting services for school and district web pages. CC2.2 DTA, CS TECH PLAN 6 - AHSD 25 Materials and time Access to web hosting productsCloudcast 23