The Big Ideas!
During the planning process including committee meetings, parent forums, survey
analysis and feedback through other district meetings, a number of overarching topics were
identified and discussed. These topics are important to highlight and articulate a direction for
future planning and direction. These also capture some of the larger issues in educational
technology integration that schools currently face and will continue to grapple with in the
near future.!
1-1 or 1:1 or 1:x?!
One of the larger issue in the educational technology literature centers around the
viability and effectiveness of a typical 1-1 adoption of either laptops or tablets for students to
take home at various levels. Newspapers and magazines spend considerable time outlining
massive projects or best practice implementation strategies when it comes to a 1-1 rollout.
However, the literature is also emerging with questions regarding the efficiency, effectiveness
and in some cases safety of such programs as aligned to their stated goals. In certain
instances, the 1-1 adoption was discontinued either due to lack of funds, lack of planning or
not having the capacity to commit the resources for continuation. In other environments, the
1-1 model has been successful and districts are planning additional grade levels or
experiences to expand the project. Issues including liability, ownership and filtering cloud the
development and implementation of these types of programs.!
Based on conversations and feedback as well as reviews of 1-1 rollouts it became
apparent that the procedural side of a 1-1 implementation is daunting and is often the failing
point when trying to provide equal access to all students. Instead of a 1-1 program in which a
device, that has to be specified, is assigned to a particular student incomes with all of the
corresponding procedures the focus should be on access. Based on survey data, we know that
a majority of our students have access to Internet capable devices in their home. Also, many
families are able to provide equipment that is equivalent to or above district issued
equipment in terms of specifications. Therefore, a significant question is about whether the
need is for providing a device that travels back and forth between home and school or
working to ensure that access is available in both environments. A 1:1 program (one Internetconnected device ratio per student in the building) provides access during the learning
process and reduces many of the logistical issues associated with a traditional 1-1 program.
As discussed in a subsequent topic, a majority of file and program access is available online
and therefore is not contained to a specific device. Students can go home and connect with