Tech kids Technology used in school | Page 8

kjgfhdkjfhgkjdhgjkdfhgdkjhgkjf The growth of technology in dfhgkjdfhgjk dhgkjdhgkjdhgjkdfhgkjdhkjdhgjk education. Classrooms have come a long way. There’s been an exponential growth in educational technology advancement over the past few years. From overhead projectors to iPads, it’s important to understand not only what’s coming next but also where it all started. We’ve certainly come a long way but some things seem hauntingly similar to many years ago. For example, Thomas Edison said in 1925 that “books will soon be obsolete in schools. Scholars will soon be instructed through the eye.” I’m pretty sure this is exactly what people are saying these days about the iPad. Also in 1925, there were “schools of the air” that delivered lessons to millions of students simultaneously. Here is how technology in education developed: 7