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customized program based on client needs, Acceleration
Program clients also spend time with others in the
growing angel network in Texas.
In an era when venture capital groups are reluctant to fund
program to share experiences, wisdom, and resources
early-stage start-ups, angels are a necessary funding option
through monthly meet-ups and quarterly CEO Retreats.
that keeps the start-up environment thriving. Our community
hosts a large pool of high-net-worth individuals with business
experience who are looking for investment opportunities
and who enjoy being involved with entrepreneurial ventures.
Cowtown AngelsTM provides a forum for such individuals to
cooperatively source and vet deal flow.
TECH NestTM is the “watering-hole” of the emerging
technology community in North Texas. Designed to
connect technology entrepreneurs and advocates in the
entrepreneurial ecosystem, this program allows these
groups to easily engage one another, seek advice, and
socialize. Tech Nest™ consists of working lunches with
The goal of the BREAKTHROUGH Program is to assist
topics critical to technology startups and networking
university faculty in identifying and communicating the
events that allow entrepreneurs to meet local experts on
value of their intellectual property in order to attract early
an informal basis as they enjoy peer-to-peer networking.
stage stakeholders and adopters. It helps the researcher
identify a pain statement that the technology hopes to solve,
where the technology “fits” in the market space, potential
applications for the technology, potential licensees, and key
benefits and differentiators of the technology. In addition,
this program may create an environment which can give rise
to unique collaborations and commercial opportunities across
multiple universities.
Cowtown Angels
Cowtown AngelsTM was started in September 2012 to
Participants are only allowed entry into the program via
referrals from their university’s technology transfer office.
provide a connection between technology entrepreneurs
Each technology transfer office can set their own entry
and local angel investors. Its dual motive is to help early
criteria for their referrals to the program. TECH Fort
stage companies get connected with local angel investors
Worth requires that there be protection in place for the
with the goal of creating more jobs and wealth in our
intellectual property being worked
local community. The program is the newest and fastest
on in the sessions.
Tech Fort Worth ›› 2014 Impact Awards