>>>>>>>>>>>> SurgeryLink
n By Robert Francis
[email protected]
he SurgeryLink team has
collectively spent several
decades working in operating
rooms all over the country in
various roles, experiencing an
unnecessarily high number of errors and
surgery delays first-hand.
Most of those errors and delays were
simple communication mistakes that
could have easily been avoided, says
Malcom Williams, CEO and founder of
Williams spent 13 years in the medical
device industry
in sales and
positions for
and staff satisfaction, a reduction in
Globus Medical, Medtronic and DePuy
communication errors that lead to
Spine. While consulting in an operating
surgery delays and cancellations, and a
room, Williams observed an event where
coordination process that is much safer
a patient was anesthetized for over an
for patients.
hour prior to the surgeon arriving at the
The company, which offices out of TECH
hospital because of a communication
Fort Worth, has started a beta test with a
medical college of Wisconsin and is rolling
SurgeryLink is the first HIPAA-secure
out SurgeryLink to three
coordination platform built
additional locations soon, says
exclusively for the surgical
Williams. “We’re going to
community. By combining
By combining
gather feedback and hope to
online surgery scheduling
online surgery
launch the product probably
and team coordination in
in late summer,” he says.
one place, SurgeryLink adds
and team
SurgeryLink, he says, is on
a level of simplicity, efficiency
a mission to give the surgical
and accuracy that does not
in one place,
community the simplest
currently exist, says Williams.
way possible to connect and
The benefits of this
adds a level
communicate in order to
method include time
of simplicity,
provide safe, efficient care.
savings, increased surgeon
Tech Fort Worth ›› 2014 Impact Awards
and accuracy
that does not
currently exist.