>>>>>>>> E-Mist Innovations
n By Robert Francis
[email protected]
-Mist Innovations Inc. has
perfected a new disinfectant
delivery system that uses static
electricity to get spray solutions
to cling to all types of surfaces;
much like plastic wrap clings to bowls.
E-Mist uses “electrostatics” to more
effectively apply spray solutions registered
and approved by the Environmental
Protection Agency, the Food and Drug
Administration and the Occupational Safety
and Health Administration, said Christopher
Sides of E-Mist Innovations Inc.
The company recently received an
investment from Cowtown Angels and
named Cowtown Angel member George
Robertson its president and CEO.
Eight Cowtown Angels members put
in a total of $150,000 in a first round of
investment and received additional rights
for the next round
of investment.
According to
The Center for
Disease Control
Brandi Whitely, the clinical director, and
and Prevention, infectious diseases are the
his son Christopher Sides will serve on the
second leading cause of deaths worldwide.
E-Mist Board of Directors. The Sides family
E-Mist has developed a method for applying
will remain actively involved in the business
disinfectants and anti-bacterial chemicals
while Robertson leads the company
that very quickly reach all surfaces, even
through its next stages of development.
underneath tables and beds, to reduce the
With an “electrostatic mister,” the
potential of infectious diseases.
company applies charged mist droplets
Robertson is executive chairman
that wrap around objects, overcoming
and founder of National HME, which
inertia and gravity to provide superior
is a durable medical equipment (DME)
surface coverage.
company that “provides
Under its system, the
quality equipment,
company first applies
unsurpassed customer
disinfectants to remove
service and cost containment
pathogens and toxins
solutions for hospices and
including viruses, fungus,
the patients they serve.”
salmonella and other bacteria,
National HME has more than
mold and mildew.
40 service centers and a
The company
The technology can be
Hospice Cloud Network that
used to disperse solutions
serves more than 500 hospice
received an
commonly used to disinfect
programs with a patient
surfaces in hospitals,
census in excess of 23,000
from Cowtown
nursing homes, schools,
day care centers, gyms,
Mike Sides, founder and
and named
public restrooms, buses
inventor of the technology
and other forms of public
the company is based on,
Angel member
together with his daughter
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Robertson its
president and