Tear in the Radio #2 - The Stolen Volume 2 | Page 11

Q. HOW DID YOU COME UP WITH THE NAME RVLS? Q. WHAT WAS THE MOMENT THAT MADE YOU THINK “I WANT TO DO THAT?” Kalie: When we were starting to form, we wrote down this huge list of names, I mean HUGE haha. We ended up going with Rivals, then after some legal stuff we had to change it to RVLS. We actually almost named ourselves Dreamer and every day we are so happy we didn’t. Kalie: I remember this one exact show somewhere in Los Angeles. I remember looking out, everyone’s eyes were wide and staring like they had never seen something so amazing. I remember it flawlessly. I was in an extremely dark place in my life, thought everything was crumbling underneath me, I was homeless and stressing. That moment is what picked me up, made me realize I had something to live for. + Q. HOW LONG HAS THE BAND KNOWN EACH OTHER? Micket: I was watching a Korn video on MTV and they were playing in a room with a bullet flying around and that’s when I asked my mom to buy me a guitar. Kalie: Micket and I actually met about 10 years ago, when I was 17. I went on a tour with his old band The Collected as a photographer/videographer. Micket met Justin + through trying out for that same band, and Sebastian was actually dating some girl in Q. IS THERE AN ARTIST IN THE PRESENT DAY OR THE PAST YOU WOULD LOVE TO TOUR a local band that we played a show with last year. WITH? + Q. WHAT MUSIC INFLUENCED THE FORMATION OF RVLS? Kalie: Bring Me The Horizon, The Neighborhood, Justin Bieber (I’m serious), and Demi Lovato is a dream. Micket: Bring Me the Horizon, Paramore Kalie: A lot of us are really into Bring Me The Horizon and 30 Seconds To Mars, those Sebastian: Bring Me the Horizon, PVRIS probably have the biggest influence on our record, we went for this like ambient Kalie: If you haven’t noticed by now, Bring heavy sound, it’s kind of weird. Me the Horizon is a HUGE influence to us. + + BAND TWITTER: @WEARERVLS