Tear Gas Magazine Volume II | Page 12

Now, don't get us wrong. We're not telling you that you CAN'T wear them with jeans, but sometimes it is harder to think of alternatives. Especially if you want to put a small twist on your outfit.

There are two main ideas when it comes to styling band tees. One, make sure you've at least listened to some of their music. That way when the cute boy on the bus asks you, "You like the Arctic Monkeys too? What's your favourite song!" you don't have to reply with, "Uhhm...Oh just everything really..." otherwise he'll just look at you oddly and move on. The second idea is to pair them with things that you orignially might not think of. For example, a Guns 'n' Roses tee with an asymetrical skort and heels may SEEM odd at first, but in reality they actually look pretty cool together. The main thing to aim for is to wear them in your own style, and not to try to fit the sterotype that comes with the band.