Team Talk Volume 8 | Page 17

Crafty Critters Corner By Karina
Happy New Year to Everyone !


If , like me , you need to recharge your crafting batteries after the Christmas Season , then I am sure whatever craft I put in the February issue will simply be ignored as too much like hard work J .
So I decided , instead , to include a few handy hints which I have tried and can therefore confirm they work :
1 . Burnt pots Liberally sprinkle Bicarbonate of Soda in pot , add some hot water , and allow to simmer on stove for a few minutes . Switch stove off and allow water to cool right down before washing the pot . I usually leave it overnight .
2 . Smells Sprinkle with Bicarbonate of Soda . Leave for a few hours then vacuum or brush / wipe up the Bicarbonate of Soda .
3 . Car freshener You can either sprinkle Bicarbonate of Soda in car , or alternatively you can purchase a fabric softener ( the kind in thick plastic which looks like a roll ) and leave it in the car for the month . At the end of the month , take it in to the house for washing clothes with it , and place a new fabric softener in the car .
4 . Clogged drains Pour about a cup of Bicarbonate of Soda into drain . Follow this by about half a cup of vinegar and watch it bubble the dirt in the drains . Once the fizz subsides , rinse with cold water . NB : And extremely clogged drain may need a few applications
5 . Remove pet hair If wanting to remove pet hair from furniture , clothes , etc . take a length of packaging tape , hold each end in a hand , and apply the sticky side to the pet hair .
6 . Fat in food Ah , who has not had this problem . You open the pot and find a thick layer of fat floating on top of the food ( especially with mince !). The easiest way is to throw some ice blocks into the pot and then fish them out . But watch where you throw them as the fat clings to the ice block I immediately and it can end up looking like blocks of potato . ( And yes , I doubted it would work until I tried it – was sure the ice block would simply melt
7 . Salt in food Another foodie one . When you have added too much salt to your cooking food , peel and put a potato in the pot . It will absorb much of the salt . ( I generally remove potato once it has cooked and give it to dogs as it is far too salty for my liking .
8 . Fluffier scrambled eggs A chef once told my Mom to use water instead of milk when beating eggs for scrambled eggs as it makes them lighter . We have been doing it for many years now and it is true – the egg is lighter and fluffier when water is added as opposed to milk .