Team Talk Volume 15 | Page 24


Team Talk

The Pampered Chef By Ash


1½ c . orange segments , chopped ½ c . cucumber , chopped ½ c . red bell pepper , chopped 1 / 4 c . Fresh cilantro , chopped 1 / 2 minced jalapeño 1 tbsp . olive oil 2 lb . sirloin 1 / 2 red onion , cut into 1-inch pieces 2 tbsp . canola oil 1 tbsp . Jerk seasoning


· Toss together 1 1 / 2 cups chopped orange segments , 1 / 2 cup each chopped cucumber and red bell pepper , 1 / 4 cup chopped fresh cilantro , 1 / 2 minced jalapeño , 1 Tbsp . olive oil , and salt and black pepper .
· Toss together 2 lb . sirloin ( cut into 1-inch pieces ), 1 / 2 red onion ( cut into 1-inch pieces ), 2 Tbsp . canola oil , 1 Tbsp . jerk seasoning , and salt and black pepper ; thread on 6 ( 8-inch ) metal skewers .
· Broil on top rack , turning once , until medium-rare , 10 to 12 mins .
· Serve with relish and lime wedges .
· Enjoy !


8:32 “ He who did not spare His own Son , but delivered Him over for us all , how will He not also with Him freely give us all things ?”