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Debt Solutions
Debt Mediation
What makes Debt Mediation a viable alternative?
If you are not already blacklisted, it can be prevented,
Legal action, can be prevented where possible;
Alternative arrangements are made with your credit providers, on your behalf, to reduce your instalments;
If you are over indebted, we can, apply the industry restructuring rules, avoiding a court process.
If the rules are applied correctly, credit providers that are members of the NDMA are obliged to accept the proposal;
You will be provided with an agreed, affordable and realistic monthly budget in order to resolve the situation in the
shortest possible time;
You will enjoy an improved financial position.
We will:
Negotiate with your credit providers on your behalf.
Reduce your monthly repayments.
Save you money and increase your disposable income
Assist you to improve your ITC and Experian records – once your creditors are paid
You will:
NOT be listed on the ITC by Credit Rescue.
Pay one monthly amount for ALL your debt.
Know exactly how much you have available to spend each month.
Be able to focus and concentrate at work.
Be able to track all payments to creditors.
Contact Stella on 072 680 54 92
John 5:28-29
"Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will
come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to
a resurrection of judgment.”