The Bay Talks
By Ash
God has come through for me, many times in life. If I were to begin to write you a letter, it would have no
end, because His mercies endures forever.
Every day when I wake up. I ask God to be with me. To take care of me. To sit beside me in important
meetings. To help me be fair and make good choices. To watch over me. To help me talk less. And listen
Then I realize something. Even though God loves hearing me list all the “things” that He is to me, it’s all
about me. Give me. Give me. Give me.
I know now that through Jesus Christ, all the promises He ever made are mine. Everything I can ever need
or be, is already deposited into my bank account through Jesus Christ. I am already all the “things” that I
seek. I just need to realize it.
Trusting God means that I know what He says is true. And it will come to pass. In the end, that is what
faith is all about.
So I have started changing my prayers of late. Instead of listing all the things where I need help. I just
bless Him in it. He already blessed me with every possible blessing in Christ. Now I just want to bless Him.
I ask Him to live through me and in me. To His praise and Glory. I ask Him to do things through me that I
could not have done by my own strength.
In the end, the greatest prayer we can ever pray, is a prayer of worship and praise.
By Stella Ashworth