Team Talk Team Talk - February Edition | Page 12

Team Talk Bible Heroes Lessons from Apostle Paul Paul was an extraordinary man of God. Born as Saul, he spent many years killing Christians, and did everything that he could to try and stop the growth of Christianity. However, after an encounter with the Lord, he changed his ways, his name, and his heart. He immediately started preaching the Word of the Lord. He ended up bringing many people to the Kingdom of the Lord and wrote nearly 2/3 of the New Testament. He is a prime example of someone who has a heart on fire for the Lord. So why should we take the time to learn from a previously known murderer? Especially someone who tried to kill off the very thing he later promoted? Well, I'm glad you asked. Here are a few things that we can learn from the Apostle Paul. 1. God can use ANYONE Of all the people that God could have used to bring so many people to Him, he ironically used the man who had been killing Christians. God changed Paul's heart and used him for His glory. It's almost difficult for us to understand why God picked Paul of all people, but honestly that's what makes Paul so relatable to us. Even though we aren't murdering other people, we still don't deserve the second, third, fourth, etc. chances that God willingly and gracefully gives us when we mess up. The fact of the matter is that God cares about everyone. If God can use someone like Paul to do that much good, then that should be encouragement to know that He can use anyone, including you! 2. No one is beyond the saving grace of God. God was more than willing to forgive Paul for the countless lives that he took and for all the bad things that he had done. God gave Paul grace and transformed him into a completely different person. Like Paul, God can do the same for us. We are broken people that can be transformed by God's saving grace that He so lovingly gives to us, even though we don't deserve it. 3. It's okay if you mess up. I know that as Christians, we can be really hard on ourselves for our mistakes. It can be tempting to think that if we mess up, that God won't love us anymore. Paul killed tons of people in his past. He tried to stop Christianity. Even still, God forgave him, had a purpose for him, and loved him. Know that if you make a mistake, it's okay. We are not perfect people because we live in a sin fallen world. It's impossible for us to be completely perfect, and that's why we need God in our lives. Don't get discouraged by your mistakes, but allow God to use them to transform and strengthen you so that you can be an encouragement those around you. 4. How to get your priorities straight Paul talks about how "to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). In Philippians 3:7-9, Paul talks about how everything else of this world is garbage compared to his relationship with Jesus Christ. He knew that nothing else in this world even mattered. Continue….