Team Talk Sept 2013 | Page 7

Our caring staff are here to listen and advise you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Barrow-in-Furness 103-105 Roose Road 01229 820517 Ulverston Higgin House Cavendish Street 01229 582167 COMMISSIONING SERVICE 29 September - 7pm St. George’s Church Andy Ward - Barrow’s new Network Youth Church Leader Andy was born in England, but for the last eleven years has worked in Colombia with YWAM (Youth With A Mission); he is returning to England with his wife, Sandy, and their three young sons. The South Barrow Team have been asked to host this Deanery Service - please try to come along and provide Andy with a warm Barrow welcome! Any offers of cakes for the refreshments afterwards would be much appreciated! CHURCHES TOGETHER IN BARROW Make A Pilgrimage to Furness Abbey 7 September - 2.30pm FGH Chapel for a short service before heading to the Abbey Retiring Collection in aid of Barrow Foodbank You will need a resident’s pass for free entry into the Abbey (available from the Town Hall)