report written by Dorothy Thistlethwaite
On 19th June, we played dominoes, the evening ended with a delicious
supper provided by Thelma to celebrate the birth of her newest
Our evening out on 26th June was dinner at Michaelson House - always
enjoyable and the atmosphere so friendly.
Our speaker on 3rd July was Monica from the library; she talked about
her early days of the last war. How prosperous the town seemed to be so many privately owned family shops where the owner would work with
the staff. We recalled happy days at the “Sass Shop”, Bruce’s, the Rink and
the Public Hall, as well as Betty’s the trimming shop and Davidsons, to
mention but a few. Of course, in those days there were lots of industries
in Barrow.
On 17th July, our guest speaker was Elaine Powell who gave us a poetry
reading - some humorous and others with quite a lot of depth to them.
Our AGM was held on 24th July, Noreen gave us an account of our
finances and it was agreed to give our usual donation to the Church. A big
thank you to all our members for the bottles given to the Summer Fair.
Our meetings start again with a service in the Pennington Room at
7.30pm on 4th September with Revd Jo Northey - all welcome!
27th October - 3pm - St. George’s Church
Followed by light refreshments in the Hall
If you would like a loved one to be remembered, or know
someone who has been bereaved who could be helped by this
service, please contact Alison Otto by 23rd October.