It’s Church but not as we know it!
‘Messy Church’ is a church for adults and children to enjoy together. It's
primarily for people who don't belong to another form of church already.
It's all-age. It's fun. Its aim is to introduce Jesus, to give an opportunity to
encounter him and to grow closer to him. The first Messy church started
in 2004, and now there are many all over the country.
Ours will run around a bible theme and include some creative time to
explore this through getting messy with crafts, games and time to reflect
on it too. This is followed by a celebration time which might involve story,
prayer, song, games and similar which will be in the church (while the
crafts are tidied and tables set up), and ends with a meal together; a
Sunday sandwich tea with nice home made cakes to start with!
Messy Church’s values are those of hospitality, creativity and celebration.
It models and promotes good ways of growing as a family: a nuclear
family, an extended family and a global and local church family.
We plan to have our South Barrow Team Messy Church at
St Georges on a Sunday afternoon from 3-5pm on the first Sunday
of each month starting in October.
To get started we need several things:
Please pray that God would inspire us to see how He can use us to be
a part of this exciting way to reach out to those in our community.
We need people willing to co-ordinate the crafts and the food; also,
volunteers to help run activities and help with the catering and
washing up.