Team Talk October Edition Volume 4 | Page 30

30 TEAM TALK For the love of animals By Louise “For the love of animals” Genesis 1:24 Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind; cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind”; and it was so. Verse 25. …… And God saw that it was good. I am so exciting to write about animals this month! There were so many things going through my mind, I was thinking about God creating these creatures, all different and awesome in their own way. How some can be trained to do things and others just make us feel happy. I was wondering what went through Noah’s mind when all the animals started to board the ark. God cared enough for the animals and He entrusted their lives to a human. It crossed my mind that God could just make new animals during the flood, but obviously God wanted to entrust this big task to Noah and also to see if Noah will trust Him without questioning. We sometimes question decisions God make for us and it doesn’t always make sense in our human minds. I see now looking down at my life that God was watching me the whole time. I saw Ash with the beautiful photo of that cute hedgehog, I read in the papers about how the people helped with the penguins to wash them and take care of them before they were released back to the island. I am sure that a lot of us tried to save some kind of animal somewhere in our lives. I want to dedicate this article to all these people who made a difference to animals. I spoke to such a beautiful couple by the name of Madge and Alan Tomsett. Allan said that they started walking a path with rescued animals from the day he and Madge got married. In all their lives they rescued about 40 animals (cats and dogs). Spic and Span came from Cat Care, they had been found trying to feed off their dead mom. They were hand fed and raised. Fuzzball had a magnificent fuzzy tail. Miss Muffet weighed only 2,5 kg. 30