that is done is for God's glory to the
exclusion of humankind's
self-glorification and pride. Thus, as
Christians we are to be motivated
and inspired by God's glory and not
our own.
Observing the awesome scenery
from the lantern chamber of Hoad
Monument caused me to recall the
incredible words of Psalm 121 ‘I lift up my eyes to the hills where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth!’
Psalm 121 was written by someone
who looked to the future and was
consumed by fear and uncertainty.
If you were to look under the heading to this Psalm you can see that it
is described as 'A Song of Ascent',
which means it was sung by
pilgrims from around Israel as they
travelled to the Temple in
Jerusalem for the major festivals.
The trip they had to make was
often hard and dangerous and the
hills mentioned in verse 1 were the
most daunting part of the journey,
not because they were physically
arduous, but because they were
the place where the pilgrims were
under the threat of attack by
bandits and thieves. So as this
Psalmist reached the hills he
looked to them and felt fear. He
was fearful for his safety, his
possessions and even his life.
Faced with this problem he was left
saying to himself, 'I am terrified,
where am I going to find help?'
The Psalmist's situation as he
looked at the hills all those years
ago is a picture of th