report written by Dorothy Thistlethwaite
After a summer break, our meetings started again on 4th September
when Revd. Jo Northey kindly offered to take the meeting in the
Pennington Room.
Someone mentioned that we normally begin with a Communion service
in church - within seconds the bread and the wine were brought in and
we had a small but friendly service which was very much appreciated by
Jo offered prayers for Thelma and Linda and their families - Thelma has
just undergone major surgery while Linda is awaiting a date for hers. We
offer our thoughts and prayers to them both.
On 11th September, there being no speaker we enjoyed each other’s
company over dominoes.
The Trustees of the Lonsdale Bible Society invite everyone to come
and celebrate the work of Cornerstone Christian Bookshop, Ulverston on
12th October - 7pm - The Malt Kiln, Bardsea
Faith Supper - Worship, featuring Spring Mount Youth Band
27th October - 3pm - St. George’s Church
Followed by light refreshments in the Hall
If you would like a loved one to be remembered, or know
someone who has been bereaved who could be helped by this
service, please contact Alison Otto by 23rd October.