Operation Christmas Child sends a message of hope to children in
desperate situations around the world through gift-filled boxes and
Christian literature.
The programme provides an opportunity for individuals of all ages to be
involved in a simple hands-on project that reaches out to suffering
children while focusing on the true meaning of Christmas – Jesus Christ,
God’s greatest gift.
Operation Christmas Child is the world's largest children's Christmas
project, run by the Christian charity Samaritan's Purse. The charity has
been sending gift-filled shoeboxes around the world since 1990, bringing
joy and hope of into the lives of over 100 million underprivileged
Last year, children and adults from across the UK got involved - including
many churches, schools and workplaces - wrapping, packing and sending
nearly one million shoeboxes full of gifts to disadvantaged children in
Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
A leaflet providing information about the project, including a list
of items which can be included, is available in each of the South
Barrow Team churches.
All Team churches are collecting points for gift-filled shoe boxes between
now and 10 th November at the latest.
Gift-wrapped shoe boxes can also be delivered to The Rectory, 98 Roose
Road by 9th November at the latest.
For more information about the Shoe-box Appeal, please contact
Julie Cregeen on 877367.
Have you visited our Team website?