Team Talk Nov 2013 | Page 2

SUNDAY WORSHIP IN SOUTH BARROW 8.30am 9.30am 11am Holy Communion (CW) at St Perran’s Holy Communion (CW) at St Aidan’s Holy Communion (CW) at St George’s EXCEPT 3rd Nov. and 1st Dec. 8.30am 9.30am 11am 3pm 20th Oct. 10 am Holy Communion (CW) at St Perran’s Holy Communion (CW) at St Aidan’s Morning Worship with Baptisms at St George’s Messy Church at St. George’s Team Holy Communion (CW) at St. Aidan’s REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 10th November 8.30am - Holy Communion (CW) at St Perran’s 9.30am - Holy Communion (CW) at St Aidan’s 10.50am - Holy Communion (CW) at St George’s Join us as we remember with gratitude those who have given their lives in past and present conflicts, and who are currently serving in places like Afghanistan.