If you want to brush up on the basics of what it means to be a ChrisƟan, or find out
more about ChrisƟanity, then these relaxed, informaƟve and helpful meeƟngs
would be ideal for you.
You do not need to know anything or much about the Bible
You won’t be asked to read, pray or answer quesƟons
You will be given every chance to ask quesƟons
Our Team Rector, Gary, will help to explore the following quesƟons:
23rd April
30th April
7th May
13th May
21st May
Who is Jesus?
Why did Jesus come?
What did Jesus achieve?
What does it mean to repent?
What does it mean to believe?
These informal meeƟngs will be at The Rectory, 98 Roose Road, at 7.30 pm unƟl no
later than 9pm.
If you are interested in coming along to these ‘refresher’ meeƟngs, please chat to
Gary in church or on 01229 877367.
Those considering confirmaƟon are invited to aƩend Simply ChrisƟanity to prepare
for this important step.