Team Talk Mar 2013 | Page 12

New Vicar of Walney Appointed! It has been announced that the Revd Andy Batchelor as been appointed Vicar of St. Mary’s, Walney. Andy is currently Assistant Curate of Ulverston; he is married to Julie, who is a Reader and they have two grown-up daughters, Abigal and Zoe. The Batchelors will be moving into Walney Vicarage at the end of February and Andy will be made Vicar of Walney at an special service at St Mary’s on Wednesday 13th March; the Bishop of Carlisle, the Right Reverend James Newcome, will be officiaƟng. As we congratulate Andy on his appointment, we - the South Barrow Team - assure him, Julie and their family of our prayers and best wishes as they prepare to leave Ulverston and prepare for a new chapter in their life and ministry in Barrow Deanery. Pray too for St Mary’s as it embarks on a new chapter in its mission and ministry, following the departure of their last Vicar, the Revd. John Hodgkinson, who is now Team Vicar in the North Barrow Team. The Revd. Michael John, former Chaplain of Furness General Hospital, whose oversight of the Interregnum at Walney has been much appreciated, reƟred at the end of January - he and his wife Sylvia will conƟnue to live in Barrow, and we wish them a happy and fulfilling reƟrement. Church Chuckle supplied by Frank Thomas The preacher's five-year-old daughter noƟced that her father always paused and bowed his head for a moment before starƟng his sermon. One day, she asked him why. "Well, Honey," he began, proud that his daughter was so observant of his messages. "I'm asking the Lord to help me preach a good sermon." "How come He doesn't answer it?" she asked.