Do you feel loved? Needed? Accepted? - continued from page 9
A decision
Jesus knew him and called him by his name, “Zacchaeus”; (God knows all
about us too). Until this close encounter Zacchaeus had not realised that
Jesus loved him in spite of his sin. You see, at this point, Jesus was on
His way to Jerusalem to die on the Cross for sinners - people like
Zacchaeus, people like us (look up Galatians 2 v.20). Furthermore, he did
not realise that Jesus required a response, “Zacchaeus, come down
immediately”. So, how did he respond? Zacchaeus obeyed Jesus and
humbled himself; he climbed down from the tree immediately - he didn’t
put it off. Furthermore, Jesus sought hospitality from Zacchaeus which
made him feel needed and accepted.
A difference
Consequently, we’re told that he welcomed Jesus gladly. And the result?
A transformed life. Zacchaeus had found acceptance, forgiveness and a
totally new start. The mess of the past had been cleared up. He had found
freedom from the rat-race. He had discovered that his future was secure
through a relationship with Jesus Christ which was to go on for ever.
Cheating gave way to honesty; ܙYY