… to all those who have used
fundraising boxes, bought books,
pens, calendars, and the occasional
scone, cake and jar of marmalade
at St. Aidan’s during the last year over £920 has been raised!
Furthermore, nearly £850 has
been raised through table top
sales, coffee mornings and
afternoon concerts.
In addition to these incredible
efforts, the sale of scarves
produced by Pat Crooks has
exceeded £900!
We are grateful to Pat and all those
who bake and provide help for
these fundraising events
at St. Aidan’s.
… to everyone who helped and
supported the Christmas Fair at.
St. George’s in December - this
raised over £875,
Well done!
… to everyone who helped and
supported the Afternoon Concert
and Tea at St. Aidan’s in December.
Great entertainment and a
wonderful afternoon tea
combined to make it an enjoyable
occasion, which raised over £300
for St. Aidan’s Restoration Fund!
Well done!
There are to be Services of
Confirmation in various churches
in Barrow during 2014.
Adults and young people (Year 9
and upwards) who wish to
confirm their faith in Jesus Christ
should contact the Team Rector,
Revd. Gary Cregeen, on 877367 for
details of Confirmation
Alternatively, if you would like to
know more about Confirmation,
then a member of the South
Barrow clergy team will be glad to
help you.