Team Talk Feb 2013 | Page 3

PEOPLE…. COMING AND GOING! It was announced on Sunday 13 January that our Team Vicar, the Reverend Linda Cronin, has been appointed Anglican Chaplain at All Saints Academy Cheltenham and Associate Priest in the West Cheltenham Team Ministry, in the Diocese of Gloucester. Linda was ordained in 2008 and served as Assistant Curate at St Mark’s, Barrow, unƟl 2010 before becoming Assistant Curate in the South Barrow Team. In September 2011 Linda was Licensed as Team Vicar of South Barrow during which Ɵme she has also served as Chaplain to the Mayor of Barrow. During their Ɵme in South Barrow Steve has been an invaluable member of St George’s with St Luke’s PCC and has been instrumental in enabling the current renovaƟon work to become a reality. Steve has recently embarked on training to be a Reader and is also a valued member of the Pulse Management Team with oversees the Network Youth Church in Barrow. Her appointment as School Chaplain is an exciƟng opportunity for Linda which will enable her to use and develop her giŌs in an area of ministry close to her heart. The Cronin’s last Sunday with us will be Sunday 10 March and you are warmly invited to a ‘Thanksgiving and Farewell Service’ on that day. In the meanƟme, please keep Linda, Steve, Hannah and Rachel in your prayers as they prepare for the next stage in their lives and ministry. Pray too for God’s work in South Barrow during the inevitable interregnum. In the meanƟme, it has been announced that the South Barrow Team has been entrusted with an Assistant Curate! MaƩ Hornby is currently training at Oak Hill College, London (where our Team Rector also trained) and he is married to Caroline. They have two children - Rachel who is two years old, and Thomas who was born on 8 January 2013! MaƩ will be ordained at Carlisle Cathedral on Sunday 30 June and the Hornby’s will live at The Vicarage, 98a Roose Road from mid June—we look forward to welcoming them among us. Please pray for the Hornbys during their remaining Ɵme in London and as they prepare to serve God alongside us here in South Barrow. 3