Team Talk Dec 2013 | Page 9

star would be found near the centre of power but He wasn’t. We can well imagine what a disappointment it may have been when they found a cottage was His palace and His own poor mother tending to Him, rather than numerous courtiers! However, these were wise men and saw through this veil and were not baffled by what awaited them in Bethlehem. Having been supernaturally guided to the place where Jesus was the Magi presented themselves first, and then their gifts, to Him. The Magi ‘fell down and paid homage to Him’ despite the poverty of His surroundings. Interestingly, we do not read that they gave such honour to Herod despite his royal grandeur! It is amazing that the Magi should embark on this costly journey, led by an extraordinary star such as had not been seen before - the star signified something extraordinary and uncommon. They could have thought: ‘If such a prince be born we will hear of him shortly in our own country, we’ll pay our homage to him then.’ But no, they desired to be acquainted with Him as soon as possible and took a long journey to enquire after Him. Those who truly seek Christ will pay no regard to pains and perils in seeking after Him. Which is a very different response than that of... Men came from a far away country to worship Christ, while the Jews, His kinsmen, wouldn’t even go to the next town to meet Him! Yet this apathy did not deter the wise men. Unlike the Magi Herod and his council showed not devotion to Jesus; instead they were hostile or indifferent towards Him. We are told that Herod was ‘greatly troubled and all Jerusalem with him’. Herod was now an old man, he’d been on the throne for 35 years, while this new king was newly born. Yet, Herod felt deeply threatened and so feared the loss of his own authority that he plotted to eradicate the threat by an act of genocide - by killing all the baby boys of Bethlehem. Herod was what we might describe as ‘shaken but not stirred’ - shaken stirred’ by news of the Messiah’s birth but not stirred to seek Him, find Him and worship Him.. We may dislike Herod but we must be careful not to be like him; for whenever we hold Jesus at arms length, when we have no real appreciation of who this King really is - then we’re behaving no differently to Herod. The events recorded for us in Matthew 2 reveal various responses to Jesus which still prevail. There are many today who are as unmoved by Jesus as the people in Israel at the time of His birth. There are still those who are hostile towards Him as King Herod was. However, there HEROD AND THE HIERARCHY are also millions of people who, like The persistent seeking and the Magi, continue to ‘give homage’ submissive worship of the Magi is in to Jesus today. But what about you stark contrast to the antagonism of and me as we approach Christmas Herod, and the apathy of the 2013 AD? Like the ‘persistent’ Magi, hierarchy in Jerusalem. The Wise wise people still seek Jesus.