Team Talk Dec 2013 | Page 3

CHANGES TO WORSHIP IN SOUTH BARROW At the Vision evenings held at St. Perran’s in September, we set ourselves two goals - to develop a more diverse pattern of worship in our churches for our current members and to grow a new form of worship service for people in our community not yet engaged in church. As part of this ‘process’, the respective PCCs have agreed unanimously that: George’ AllSt George’s All-age Service (with Baptisms) will be on the last Sunday of each month from January 2014 George’ All morning services at St George’s will be at 10.30am from 8th December Aidan’ From January 2014, St. Aidan’s will have a Service of Morning Prayer on the first Sunday of each month - the service time will remain at 9.30am Tea and coffee will be served after all Sunday morning services at Aidan’ George’ St. Aidan’s and St. George’s All Team Services will be at 10.30am from January 2014 and will continue to happen on the third Sunday of each month, rotating around the Team. midFrom January 2014, a mid-week Holy Communion Service will be held at St. Perran’’s at 11am on the first and third Thursdays of each month (after Perran the Thursday Coffee Morning). midThe first mid-week Communion will be on 16th January MidAidan’ The Mid-week Holy Communion each Wednesday at St. Aidan’s will continue at 10am George’ Messy Church was launched at St. George’s in October, and has already proved popular with a number of young families outside the church. We would hope to launch Messy Church (or something similar) at Aidan’ St. Aidan’s once the proposed refurbishment of the church and hall is complete. These plans provide a framework in order to realise our goals, which are deemed necessary in order for us to continue to value all that we hold dear while being outward-looking in order for others to know God’s love and good purpose for their lives.