Simon Peter , also known as Cephas ( John 1:42 ), was one of the first followers of Jesus Christ . He was an outspoken and ardent disciple , one of Jesus ’ closest friends , an apostle , and a “ pillar ” of the church ( Galatians 2:9 ). Peter was enthusiastic , strong-willed , impulsive , and , at times , brash . But for all his strengths , Peter had several failings in his life . Still , the Lord who chose him continued to mould him into exactly who He intended Peter to be .
Simon was originally from Bethsaida ( John 1:44 ) and lived in Capernaum ( Mark 1:29 ), both cities on the coast of the Sea of Galilee . He was married ( 1 Corinthians 9:5 ), and he and James and John were partners in a profitable fishing business ( Luke 5:10 ). Simon met Jesus through his brother Andrew , who had followed Jesus after hearing John the Baptist proclaim that Jesus was the Lamb of God ( John 1:35-36 ). Andrew immediately went to find his brother to bring him to Jesus . Upon meeting Simon , Jesus gave him a new name : Cephas ( Aramaic ) or Peter ( Greek ), which means “ rock ” ( John 1:40-42 ). Later , Jesus officially called Peter to follow Him , producing a miraculous catch of fish ( Luke 5:1-7 ). Immediately , Peter left everything behind to follow the Lord ( verse 11 ).
For the next three years , Peter lived as a disciple of the Lord Jesus . Being a natural-born leader , Peter became the de facto spokesman for the Twelve ( Matthew 15:15 , 18:21 , 19:27 ; Mark 11:21 ; Luke 8:45 , 12:41 ; John 6:68 , 13:6-9 , 36 ). More significantly , it was Peter who first confessed Jesus as “ the Christ , the Son of the living God ,” a truth which Jesus said was divinely revealed to Peter ( Matthew 16:16-17 ).
Peter was part of the inner circle of Jesus ’ disciples , along with James and John . Only those three were present when Jesus raised the daughter of Jairus ( Mark 5:37 ) and when Jesus was transfigured on the mountain ( Matthew 17:1 ). Peter and John were given the special task of preparing the final Passover meal ( Luke 22:8 ).
In several instances , Peter showed himself to be impetuous to the point of rashness . For example , it was Peter who left the boat to walk on the water to Jesus ( Matthew 14:28-29 )— and promptly took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink ( verse 30 ). It was Peter who took Jesus aside to rebuke Him for speaking of His death ( Matthew 16:22 )— and was swiftly corrected by the Lord ( verse 23 ). It was Peter who suggested erecting three tabernacles to honor Moses , Elijah , and Jesus ( Matthew 17:4 )— and fell to the ground in fearful silence at God ’ s glory ( verses 5-6 ). It was Peter who drew his sword and attacked the servant of the high priest ( John 18:10 )— and was immediately told to sheath his weapon ( verse 11 ). It was Peter who boasted that he would never forsake the Lord , even if everyone else did ( Matthew 26:33 )— and later denied three times that he even knew the Lord ( verses 70-74 ).
Through all of Peter ’ s ups and downs , the Lord Jesus remained his loving Lord and faithful Guide . Jesus reaffirmed Simon as Peter , the “ Rock ,” in Matthew 16:18-19 , promising that he would be instrumental in establishing Jesus ’ Church . After His resurrection , Jesus specifically named Peter as one who needed to hear the good news ( Mark 16:7 ). And , repeating the miracle of the large catch of fish , Jesus made a special point of forgiving and restoring Peter and re-commissioning him as an apostle ( John 21:6 , 15-17 ).
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Team Talk
Bible Heroes The Life of Peter
Simon Peter , also known as Cephas ( John 1:42 ), was one of the first followers of Jesus Christ . He was an outspoken and ardent disciple , one of Jesus ’ closest friends , an apostle , and a “ pillar ” of the church ( Galatians 2:9 ). Peter was enthusiastic , strong-willed , impulsive , and , at times , brash . But for all his strengths , Peter had several failings in his life . Still , the Lord who chose him continued to mould him into exactly who He intended Peter to be .
Simon was originally from Bethsaida ( John 1:44 ) and lived in Capernaum ( Mark 1:29 ), both cities on the coast of the Sea of Galilee . He was married ( 1 Corinthians 9:5 ), and he and James and John were partners in a profitable fishing business ( Luke 5:10 ). Simon met Jesus through his brother Andrew , who had followed Jesus after hearing John the Baptist proclaim that Jesus was the Lamb of God ( John 1:35-36 ). Andrew immediately went to find his brother to bring him to Jesus . Upon meeting Simon , Jesus gave him a new name : Cephas ( Aramaic ) or Peter ( Greek ), which means “ rock ” ( John 1:40-42 ). Later , Jesus officially called Peter to follow Him , producing a miraculous catch of fish ( Luke 5:1-7 ). Immediately , Peter left everything behind to follow the Lord ( verse 11 ).
For the next three years , Peter lived as a disciple of the Lord Jesus . Being a natural-born leader , Peter became the de facto spokesman for the Twelve ( Matthew 15:15 , 18:21 , 19:27 ; Mark 11:21 ; Luke 8:45 , 12:41 ; John 6:68 , 13:6-9 , 36 ). More significantly , it was Peter who first confessed Jesus as “ the Christ , the Son of the living God ,” a truth which Jesus said was divinely revealed to Peter ( Matthew 16:16-17 ).
Peter was part of the inner circle of Jesus ’ disciples , along with James and John . Only those three were present when Jesus raised the daughter of Jairus ( Mark 5:37 ) and when Jesus was transfigured on the mountain ( Matthew 17:1 ). Peter and John were given the special task of preparing the final Passover meal ( Luke 22:8 ).
In several instances , Peter showed himself to be impetuous to the point of rashness . For example , it was Peter who left the boat to walk on the water to Jesus ( Matthew 14:28-29 )— and promptly took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink ( verse 30 ). It was Peter who took Jesus aside to rebuke Him for speaking of His death ( Matthew 16:22 )— and was swiftly corrected by the Lord ( verse 23 ). It was Peter who suggested erecting three tabernacles to honor Moses , Elijah , and Jesus ( Matthew 17:4 )— and fell to the ground in fearful silence at God ’ s glory ( verses 5-6 ). It was Peter who drew his sword and attacked the servant of the high priest ( John 18:10 )— and was immediately told to sheath his weapon ( verse 11 ). It was Peter who boasted that he would never forsake the Lord , even if everyone else did ( Matthew 26:33 )— and later denied three times that he even knew the Lord ( verses 70-74 ).
Through all of Peter ’ s ups and downs , the Lord Jesus remained his loving Lord and faithful Guide . Jesus reaffirmed Simon as Peter , the “ Rock ,” in Matthew 16:18-19 , promising that he would be instrumental in establishing Jesus ’ Church . After His resurrection , Jesus specifically named Peter as one who needed to hear the good news ( Mark 16:7 ). And , repeating the miracle of the large catch of fish , Jesus made a special point of forgiving and restoring Peter and re-commissioning him as an apostle ( John 21:6 , 15-17 ).