Team Talk 18 | Page 26

Team Talk

Who I am in Christ

Chapter Four - Who I am in Christ Who you are as decided by the world or other people does not matter at all . The only thing that does matter is what God says about you . It is essential that you be who God called you to be .
You are His Child . There are so many beautiful truths about you found in His Word . This huge and awesome God who loves you so much .
A God who has such great faith in you . He created you . He loves you . He sees so much potential in you . He believes in you more than you will ever be able to know or understand .
You need to affirm who you really are every day and allow all those lies to be washed away with Gods ’ Word .
• Your true Identity in Christ
• I am loved . 1 John 3:3
• I am accepted . Ephesians 1:6
• I am a child of God . John 1:12
• I am Jesus ' friend . John 15:14
• I am a joint heir with Jesus , sharing His inheritance with Him . Romans 8:17
• I am united with God and one spirit with Him . 1 Corinthians 6:17
• I am a temple of God . His Spirit and his life lives in me . 1 Corinthians 6:19
• I am a member of Christ ' s body . 1 Corinthians 12:27
• I am a Saint . Ephesians 1:1
• I am redeemed and forgiven . Colossians 1:14
• I am complete in Jesus Christ . Colossians 2:10
• I am free from condemnation . Romans 8:1
• I am a new creation because I am in Christ . 2 Corinthians 5:17
• I am chosen of God , holy and dearly loved . Colossians 3:12
• I am established , anointed , and sealed by God . 2 Corinthians 1:21
• I do not have a spirit of fear , but of love , power , and a sound mind . 2 Timothy 1:7
• I am God ' s co-worker . 2 Corinthians 6:1
• I am seated in heavenly places with Christ . Eph 2:6
• I have direct access to God . Ephesians . 2:18
• I am chosen to bear fruit John . 15:16
• I am one of God ' s living stones , being built up in Christ as a spiritual house . 1 Peter 2:5
• I have been given exceedingly great and precious promises by God by which I share His nature . 2 Peter 1:4
• I can always know the presence of God because He never leaves me . Hebrews . 13:5
• God works in me to help me do the things He wants me to do . Philippians 2:13
• I can ask God for wisdom and He will give me what I need . James 1:5
Meditate on God ’ s Word . Think about what God is saying about you . Learn it . Confess it . Allow it to take root and grow in your mind and then into your heart and into your spirit . Until you are the person God calls you to be .
One of the most important things you can learn to do is to discipline yourself to align with God ’ s Word . Align your thinking , your feelings , your actions and what you allow into your life .
Speak kindly about yourself . Love yourself as God loves you . Forgive yourself . See yourself as your Maker sees you . You are perfectly made in His image .
Proverbs 23.7 “ As a man think in his heart , so he is ”
Extract from Who I am in Christ by Stella Ashworth