Team Talk 18 | Page 24

John 5:28-29 " Do not marvel at this ; for an hour is coming , in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice , and will come forth 24 ; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life , those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment .”
• Debts on which legal action has been taken can usually not be included in Debt Counselling . So by the time you finally go to a Debt Counsellor it may already be too late . Then you may need to consider Debt Administration , which does stop legal action .
• If you do go under Debt Counselling your Debt Counsellor can negotiate not only a lower installment for all your debts but usually also lower interest rates and reduced costs .
• Debt Counselling only reflects on your credit record until you are back on your feet . Once you have been rehabilitated , your credit record will be cleared . While a Judgment obtained by an attorney is valid for 30 years .
• Your Debt Counsellor also investigates reckless credit , prescription of debts , check creditor ’ s adherence to the application of the in duplum rule on interests charged and much more . A lot more goes into the services a good Debt Counsellor provides than many people realize . You will be surprised to know how much your creditors are getting away with because of your lack of knowledge .
• Lastly , privacy is a high priority . No one needs to know that you are struggling with your debts except you and your debt counsellor . We are POPI compliant . ( Protection of Personal Information Act of 2013 ) All client information will be treated with discretion and not redistributed to outside parties who are not involved . All cancelled files are destroyed . All First Urban staff members have signed client confidentiality agreements .
If you are struggling to pay your debts and are considering Debt Counselling , don ’ t delay . Speak to a qualified NCR Debt Counsellor today . Contact Johan Smith on 082 303 2768 . Our Port Elizabeth office is located opposite the Magistrate ’ s Court at CADAR Building , 21 De Villiers Street , North End . We can arrange traveling consultations .

Spring Clean your finances this year !

Take control of your debt and get back on track to a debt free AND stress free life . We can take you there !
� Stop creditor harassment � One affordable installment � Reduce interest rates and loan costs � No more sleepless nights , afraid of answering the phone .
You don ’ t have to suffer in silence ! Contact First Urban Debt Advisors : 041 484 1652 / 0823032768 / jsmith @ firsturban . co . za .
Branches : Bloemfontein / Port Elizabeth / Puthaditjhaba . We can assist you nationwide . Small town residents welcome .

John 5:28-29 " Do not marvel at this ; for an hour is coming , in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice , and will come forth 24 ; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life , those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment .”