Jesus Christ took the Jewish people and religious leaders by surprise when He dismantled many of their traditions . In Mark 7:9 He said to some religious leaders , “ All too well you reject the commandment of God , that you may keep your tradition .”
As the Son of God , Jesus taught many things to help us live victoriously . Let ’ s look at ten life lessons that we can learn from Jesus .
1 . Love God with all that you are Matthew 22:36-38 says , “’ Teacher , which is the great commandment in the law ?’ Jesus said to him , ‘“ You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart , with all your soul , and with all your mind . This is the first and great commandment .’”
If we love God with ALL that we are , then everything else falls into place . When we love other things or people more than we love God , it sets us up for trouble . Don ’ t love anyone or anything more than you love God .
2 . Love others Jesus went on to tell the disciple the second greatest commandment as well : “ You shall love your neighbor as yourself ” ( Matthew 22:39 ). The truth is , we sure do love ourselves ! We do many things for ourselves each day ; likewise , we love others by putting them before ourselves . This is a difficult thing for our selfish flesh , but it ’ s an important command .
Jesus takes loving others even further in Luke 6:27 : “ But I say to you who hear : Love your enemies , do good to those who hate you .” That ’ s right ; according to the Son of God , we ’ re supposed to even love our enemies !
3 . Nothing is more important than the Kingdom of God What is the Kingdom of God ? First , it ’ s not a physical kingdom — yet . Someday , King Jesus will set up His Kingdom on the earth in all its fullness , but for now , it ’ s a spiritual kingdom that is breaking into the physical realm .
Religious leaders asked when God ’ s Kingdom would be established ( thinking God would wipe out the Romans who were ruling over them ). In Luke 17:20-21 Jesus “ answered them and said , ‘ The kingdom of God does not come with observation ; nor will they say , “ See here !” or “ See there !” For indeed , the kingdom of God is within you .’”
In Matthew 12:28 Jesus said , “ But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God , surely the kingdom of God has come upon you .” And in Luke 9:1-2 , “ Then [ Jesus ] called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons , and to cure diseases . He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick .” ( Also see Luke 10:9 .)
Clearly , the Kingdom of God is freedom from oppression , healing and wholeness , hope , peace and joy !
Jesus declared in Matthew 6:33 , “ But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness , and all these things shall be added to you .” Instead of running after what we think we need or want , we should be pursuing God ’ s Kingdom , knowing that He will take care of everything .
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Team Talk
Bible Heroes 10 Life Lessons from Jesus
Jesus Christ took the Jewish people and religious leaders by surprise when He dismantled many of their traditions . In Mark 7:9 He said to some religious leaders , “ All too well you reject the commandment of God , that you may keep your tradition .”
As the Son of God , Jesus taught many things to help us live victoriously . Let ’ s look at ten life lessons that we can learn from Jesus .
1 . Love God with all that you are Matthew 22:36-38 says , “’ Teacher , which is the great commandment in the law ?’ Jesus said to him , ‘“ You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart , with all your soul , and with all your mind . This is the first and great commandment .’”
If we love God with ALL that we are , then everything else falls into place . When we love other things or people more than we love God , it sets us up for trouble . Don ’ t love anyone or anything more than you love God .
2 . Love others Jesus went on to tell the disciple the second greatest commandment as well : “ You shall love your neighbor as yourself ” ( Matthew 22:39 ). The truth is , we sure do love ourselves ! We do many things for ourselves each day ; likewise , we love others by putting them before ourselves . This is a difficult thing for our selfish flesh , but it ’ s an important command .
Jesus takes loving others even further in Luke 6:27 : “ But I say to you who hear : Love your enemies , do good to those who hate you .” That ’ s right ; according to the Son of God , we ’ re supposed to even love our enemies !
3 . Nothing is more important than the Kingdom of God What is the Kingdom of God ? First , it ’ s not a physical kingdom — yet . Someday , King Jesus will set up His Kingdom on the earth in all its fullness , but for now , it ’ s a spiritual kingdom that is breaking into the physical realm .
Religious leaders asked when God ’ s Kingdom would be established ( thinking God would wipe out the Romans who were ruling over them ). In Luke 17:20-21 Jesus “ answered them and said , ‘ The kingdom of God does not come with observation ; nor will they say , “ See here !” or “ See there !” For indeed , the kingdom of God is within you .’”
In Matthew 12:28 Jesus said , “ But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God , surely the kingdom of God has come upon you .” And in Luke 9:1-2 , “ Then [ Jesus ] called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons , and to cure diseases . He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick .” ( Also see Luke 10:9 .)
Clearly , the Kingdom of God is freedom from oppression , healing and wholeness , hope , peace and joy !
Jesus declared in Matthew 6:33 , “ But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness , and all these things shall be added to you .” Instead of running after what we think we need or want , we should be pursuing God ’ s Kingdom , knowing that He will take care of everything .