Team Talk 17 | Page 24

Team Talk The Bay Talks…. By Ash I don’t know about you but I simply love the Irish. I always believed that I will grow up to marry an Irish man. But that is a topic for another day. The Irish has this saying that I always loved. “May the bridges I burn light the way.” Most people don’t understand the importance of burning bridges. They try and hold onto every little detail. Just in case. Just in case they might need something from someone one day. I am always reminded by what happened to Lot’s wife when she looked back. Sometimes, just sometimes, God wants us to let go. He can see all things. Every blockage, every emotion, everything, holding us back. Preventing His completed work in us to happen. God doesn’t like us holding on. Trust me on this one. It slows down His plans for us. It doesn’t stop it. Nothing can stop God’s plans for our lives. Nothing. But if we hold on to what lies behind us, there will always be something stopping us from the finish work of Christ within us. Letting go means that you are brave enough to trust God. You are risking it all because you are obedient to Him. Abraham was asked to sacrificed his son. Jesus sacrificed His life for a greater purpose. We are on this earth only for a certain amount of time. And truly a small amount if you really think about it. Don’t spend your life crossing back and forth over bridges. Burn those bridges. Watch the fireworks as it lights the way to a sky full of lighters. Just for you. Cross your bridges in faith. Trusting in “what lies before you is, more important than what lies behind you. “Having faith in things unseen. That is courage. In the end, maybe that is what God expects from us. Putting Him first and following Him. Leaving behind the things binds us. That to me, is true freedom. .” 24