“ Each and every animal on earth has a much right to be here as you and me .” ( Anthony Douglas Williams ).
“ If you have to choose between being kind and right , always choose to be kind . And you will always be right .” ( Dr Wayne W Deyer )
Focussing specifically on tortoises in this issue , I have encountered many of these gentle souls left in dire situations over the years in my career looking and caring after our reptile friends .
Tortoises tied up with short chains in order to prevent them from wandering or escaping . Tortoises which had their entire shell painted . Tortoises left on barren land or on concrete and who have never experienced the feeling of grass under their feet ( some even taken illegally from their natural environment to face a life in captivity ). Tortoises with gaping holes at the areas they were stoned at . Tortoises hacked and flesh being exposed as they are due to become a human meal . Tortoises left with no food or water . So severe that by the time they arrive at the Park , they literally fall in to the water bowl to quench their extreme thirst . They are completely dehydrated and hungry right down to the core of their existence .
Seeing these animals and the spark no longer visible in their eyes , one has to wonder about the way humans view animals . Forgetting that animals have as much right to be here … like you and me .
Some cultures believe that keeping tortoises will keep evil spirits away . Some even view them as a symbol of good luck , symbolizing a long life , filled with wisdom and peace . Many tortoises and their eggs are still eaten by man in some areas
It is against the Nature Conservation Ordinance 19 of 1974 to keep a wild animal in captivity without having the necessary captivity permit on hand . Every so often we receive such animals confiscated from people keeping them illegally and under dire conditions . These animals are rehabilitated and set free in a Reserve so they can enjoy a long life in their natural environment .
“ If everyone is moving forward together , the success takes care of itself .” ( Henry Ford )
“ You won ’ t change the world by saving an animal . But you will change that animal ’ s world .” ( Unknown ).
Please report any tortoises kept as illegal pets to your closest Conservation office . Each small step taken will be a step in the right direction . And it will immensely change the world for that animal .