• Debts on which legal action has been taken can usually not be included in Debt Counselling. So by the time you finally
go to a Debt Counsellor it may already be too late. Then you may need to consider Debt Administration, which does
stop legal action.
• If you do go under Debt Counselling your Debt Counsellor can negotiate not only a lower installment for all your debts
but usually also lower interest rates and reduced costs.
• Debt Counselling only reflects on your credit record until you are back on your feet. Once you have been rehabilitated,
your credit record will be cleared. While a Judgment obtained by an attorney is valid for 30 years.
• Your Debt Counsellor also investigates reckless credit, prescription of debts, check creditor’s adherence to the
application of the in duplum rule on interests charged and much more. A lot more goes into the services a good Debt
Counsellor provides than many people realize. You will be surprised to know how much your creditors are getting
away with because of your lack of knowledge.
• Lastly, privacy is a high priority. No one needs to know that you are struggling with your debts except you and your
debt counsellor. We are POPI compliant. (Protection of Personal Information Act of 2013) All client information will be
treated with discretion and not redistributed to outside parties who are not involved. All cancelled files are destroyed.
All First Urban staff members have signed client confidentiality agreements.
If you are struggling to pay your debts and are considering Debt Counselling, don’t delay.
Speak to a qualified NCR Debt Counsellor today.
Contact Johan Smith on 082 303 2768.
Our Port Elizabeth office is located opposite the Magistrate’s Court at CADAR Building, 21 De Villiers Street, North End.
We can arrange traveling consultations.
Spring Clean your finances this year!
Take control of your debt and get back on track to a debt free AND stress free life. We can take you there!
Stop creditor harassment
One affordable installment
Reduce interest rates and loan costs
No more sleepless nights, afraid of answering the phone.
You don’t have to suffer in silence!
Contact First Urban Debt Advisors: 041 484 1652/0823032768/ [email protected].
Branches: Bloemfontein/Port Elizabeth/Puthaditjhaba.
We can assist you nationwide. Small town residents welcome.
John 5:28-29
"Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth;
17 those
who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.”