some bottles, some sprays, labels etc. and sell the product for themselves at a profit for themselves, thus earning
themselves some money.
So, out came a calculator. To our knees we went in prayer. And many discussions and calculations later we have a
bottleable, market-it-yourself product whereby the purchaser actually makes more profit than we do – which is good.
There is incredible POWER and BLESSING in the act of giving to others, especially to those less fortunate than our-
selves, provided ones motives are in the right place.
The first thing we need to tell you really is this. You are NOT going to make millions, or even hundreds of thousands.
This is not a get rich quick thing. All it is is brethren helping brethren.
The ideal is for you or an unemployed person to be able to earn enough to help with the rent, or the kids’ school fees,
or, in some extreme cases, put some food on the table. Perhaps a nice new outfit or just simply a gift for a loved one…
So what the offer is, is this. For a mere R200, you will receive 5 litres of a scented air or fabric freshener of your choice
(there are 6 very pleasant fragrance variants available : Ocean Breeze, Fresh Lavender, Fresh Roses, Fresh Lilies, Baby
Soft and Cherry), 12 empty bottles, 12 sprays of your choice (by that we mean either a mist spray or a nozzle spray –
the nozzle sprays cost R15.00 extra), and we design your labels for you with your name, or trading name, and contact
details on them. See the adverts on pages _____ and ____ of this issue. So effectively, our product becomes your
product. We also throw in 20 black and white flyers for you to give away, stick under people’s noses, windscreen
wipers, in their mail boxes etc. and finally, you get the master artwork of the flyers so that you can photocopy and
reproduce to your hearts content.
There is a second variety as well – selling car tyre polish to youngsters who want the tyres of their cars to be nice and
jet black and shiny. Details are on the website. The principle is the same but the profit is bit higher…
Let’s not kid ourselves – not everyone is going to want to buy your product, but once your clients are established, but
it will be a constant and continuous sell because women are forever wanting their homes to smell nice and fresh, and
the fabrics of the furniture, curtains etc. as well. If you’re into Facebook and can advertise your products on that and
other social media – all the better.
Go along to the website at www.sallyallen.co.za and check it all out for yourself. There you will see a choice of 100
labels, of the flyers and exactly how it all comes together. Perhaps you could bless someone who you know is strug-
gling financially with a gift of a business of their own? Wouldn’t that be a wonderful thing to do for someone?
Or just set yourself up to generate a
second income perhaps. We have
calculated that, depending of course
on what you sell your products at,
300 bottles of (put your own name
or trading name in here) Air or
Fabric Freshener will generate a
R5000:00 ‘salary’ for you or the
person who gives it their best.
Go for it – what have you got to lose
except your unemployment or
financial problems?
Regrettably, due to transport costs,
this offer is open to residents of Port
Elizabeth only.