Team Talk 14 | Page 28

28 TEAM TALK The Bay Talks By Ash When bad things happen to us, we sometimes think that we will never overcome it. I am here to tell you that you can overcome anything in life through Jesus Christ. A few years ago, on the 7th of the 7th my world was shattered. There were days I thought I wouldn't make it. I was angry and broken. But God wouldn't let me go. He showed me that He could make beauty from my ashes. He showed me how He can give me a new life and a new heart, if only I allowed Him. Yesterday when I caught myself wanting to relive that day, He whispered in my heart. " Remember not the former things or consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing, now it spring forth. Do you not perceive it?" Tragedies happen around us every day but God is always there in the mist of the storm. To guide us through it and make us better and stronger than before. Never give up during your storm. Whatever that may be. God will never forsake you or leave you. It’s never easy when God moulds us and shapes us. And at times that work He does on us can really hurt. I have learned that before a new life can start, the old has to be closed off. Allow God to finish the work He started in you. You many not always understand it, but one day, I promise you will. 28