In the planning and organising of the lunch, several different principles and dynamics were revealed to me, such as how
far would a Christian really go to help someone in need? Eventually 12 different dynamics were revealed to me but
none of them showed any connection between the R200 note and the lunch, but I knew there had to be one.
I had occasion to visit with the manager of a local Christian radio station, Pastor Ronnie Johnson, who heads up PEFM
87.6 where I have subsequently become a presenter, and during our very first conversation pastor Ronnie told me he
could tell me what the connection was.
Just as each rand of the R200 note had its own individual value, so each and every person at The Matthew Lunch would
have his or her own value as an individual.
The moment he said that, I knew I had stepped into something far larger than I understood.
The Matthew Lunch went off without a hitch. In spite of the doomsayers and those who tried to talk me out of hosting
a lunch for 200 or more destitute persons in the city, there was enough food for everyone to have a good meal, includ-
ing everyone who worked on the lunch, and for each guest to get a second meal to take away with them.
God had provided.
And now as I sit here at twelve minutes past five in the morning, about to get back into bed with my hot water bottle,
having come to terms with the fact that God will provide for me, I picked up my cell phone to check the time and there
was a video that had been sent by a member of the cell group I am a part of. It was the Parable of the Pencil and had
been sent at 04:29. It told of how a pencil maker told a pencil he had made that there were 5 things that he needed to
know before the pencil maker sent him out into the world.
The pencil would be able to do many great things, but only as long as he allows himself to be held in someone’s
The pencil would experience many a painful sharpening from time to time but this was required if he was to
become a better pencil;
He had the ability to correct any mistakes he might make;
The most important part of him would always be what was inside of him; and that
No matter what his condition, he must continue to write. He must always leave a clear, legible mark no matter
how difficult the situation.
In reality, this would mean:
We are all able to do many great things, but only if we allow ourselves to be held in God's hand. And allow other
human beings access to us for the many gifts we possess;
We will all experience painful sharpening’s from time to time, by going through various problems we do, but we
need these to become stronger people;
We are all able to correct the mistakes we make and grow through them;
The most important part of each and every one of us is what's inside of us; and
On every surface that we walk, we must leave our marks as believers in Yeshua. No matter what the situation,
we must continue to serve God in everything.
There were several scriptures included but space precludes me from sharing them here, save for Jeremiah 29:11 – “For
I know the plans I have for you” says the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and to give you hope and a future”… THIS particu-
lar scripture at THIS particular time, RIGHT AT THIS VERY MOMENT?
This is God showing me something.