Team deFredenburgh 2012-2013 deFred(May 2013) | Page 14

Veronica Reyes


We are the badasses of the team. I am so glad I had you on the team. Thank you for all your support and making me feel loved this past year. I cannot wait for our adventures this summer and next semester!

V-dawg is the bomb. You and I have had so many crazy nights together that its really hard to pick just one. But I guess pick my birthday night were I got so crazy you had to take care of me. Ugh all I have to say is psssssssss, *whipah whipah* and toilet paper. Much Love <3

We fight, we work it out, we fight again and we work it out again, we’re like a married couple. The prank wars were fun, it’s not over, I will have the last laugh. It’s been a blast working with you the last two years. Have a good summer, I’ll see you next training week.

"I was on duty and you was on the toilet taking a dump?! I then proceeded to scream, ""Veronica where you at?"", ""Are you taking a dump?!"", ""you are taking a dump?!"", ""Veronica is taking a dump!"". hahahahah that was hilarious.

Remember when I beat your floor in the can drive competition? That was amazing! Mostly because you cried. At the time, I felt bad, but right now I am Laughing My Ass Off

Remember when I beat your floor and every other floor in the penny war? That too was hilarious and amazing.

Remember when I beat you in spoons? I also remember that one because you were so angry you were about to kill me. You even started to twitch hahahah.

You were by far the one teammate that I had on this team that I was always happy to be around. You are hilarious and the sweetest person I can think of at this time. I took notice at all of the little things you did for your teammates that showed how much you cared, even when you tried not to care. As I have told you before, you are the reason why I was able to be myself on this team. This is an experience that I have never felt comfortable to do on any of the teams I have been on at PSU. Thank you for being you and thank you for making my experience in deFredenburgh a positive one.

I remember just the crazy things you would say during meetings! And of course you and "eat and poop" with everyone! I just remember coming down to the mailroom and hanging out with whoever stopped by. It was great being on the team with you and we will definitely have to hang out more next year!

10th Floor RA