Summer 2014 Edition
Best Practices to Increase Student Interaction
and Engagement Online
By Olysha Magruder
Instructional Designer
As you begin to develop or modify
your online courses for the
Summer and Fall semesters,
consider including some of the
following practices to make the
most out of student interaction and
engagement in your online course.
These research-based practices are
proven to work!
Did you know? Canvas has an app
called "CanvaBadges" that allows you
to issues the students a badge after
the completion of a task or module.
Tip 2: Welcome students to the
course by providing some
information about yourself. Your
self-introduction can include such
things as your teaching philosophy,
a summary of your experience
Tip 1: Send students on a "course
teaching online, and personal
tour" or "scavenger hunt" in the
information like hobbies or your
first week of class so the students
family, and a photograph.
become acquainted with the
materials and course navigation.
You can provide students with
Did you know? You can upload
some type of incentive such as
photos to the Pages in Canvas!
bonus points or a "badge" upon