The Faculty Perspective
Quality Matters
By Brett Holbrook
Associate Professor, Mathematics
I have been teaching STA2023,
do take advantage of what I have
Introduction to Statistics, online each
provided them and are quite successful
semester since 2004. Although my
in my online classes, many are not,
course has come a long way since that
especially when compared to my on
time, there will always be room for
campus students. Why? I think it is
improvement. Initially, I only used
because they aren’t doing what I ask of
PowerPoint lecture notes when I first
them. Are they doing this because they
started teaching with WebCT. Over the don’t want too, or because my class
years I’ve incorporated new tools/
isn’t organized to best fit their needs
resources like
and give the best
podcasts I created “I was able to pick up some great chance for
in my office, audio techniques and tips that will help success?
After taking
improve the organization of my
classroom lectures,
Applying the
online classes.“
Quality Matters
pictures taken in
Rubric (APPQMR)
my on campus class, and most recently, course offered by our great team in the
video-recorded classroom lectures
Center for Academic Technologies here
using LifeSize. It seems like each
at Santa Fe College, I was able to pick
semester I receive emails from students up some great techniques and tips that
who have appreciated all of these tools will help improve the organization of
and resources saying things like “I’ve
my online classes. These improvements
never had a teacher provide all of these give my students a better chance of
resources.” While some of my students being successful.