Fall 2014 Edition
evaluated, a second reviewer of
another discipline, and a third reviewer
from Ms. Ciardulli’s staff in the Center
for Academic Technologies with
expertise in Canvas and online delivery.
All three members are required to have
completed approximately 20 hours of
training using the QM rubric.
We see here the echo of a visionary
and vital element of Santa Fe’s learning
philosophy. From the beginning, Santa
Fe housed professors from different
disciplines in the same office suite. We
hoped for and received a “crossfertilization” of all things relating to
learning, rather than a static mentality.
to maintain the highest standards, both
in the classroom and online. We want
our accreditors, state legislators,
communities and students to see for
themselves the quality of our programs
and their ability to change lives.
Student demand for online courses will
increase. The majority of Santa Fe’s
courses already have a web component
and are on Canvas, which will continue.
Quality Matters will grow with our
college as our college grows with the
students and communities. My hope is
to see every section of every online
course evaluated through Quality
The QM peer review process is similar
Fifty years from now as Santa Fe
in that it results in an informed product
prepares to celebrate its 100th
that combines the skills and knowledge
anniversary, technological innovations
of a diverse team across the college.
that were once unthinkable will be
commonplace. Whatever the
Quality Matters allies with our
discoveries, our college is prepared to
assessment of student learning. The
see them be put to the best use. This
process conforms to our mission and
will occur as it has with Quality
values. At Santa Fe, we take pride in
Matters, with a keen eye for emerging
our academic traditions that ensure
student success. We are conscientious technologies coupled with our
and deliberate in how we evaluate the embedded belief in the future of the
community, state and nation, and in
effectiveness of our institution, yet
unhesitating in applying new ideas that the potential of each individual
work. As a League for Innovation
College, it is appropriate that we strive