Teaching with Technology Guide Teaching with Technology | Page 23

Teaching with Technology They also have to make sure they can identify the correct answers and so take ownership for their own learning. But the most instructive element is in their choosing of the wrong answers – those should look real, too so they have to think really carefully and be very specific in their knowledge in order to decide on the real answer and the almost-real answer. How to start? You can create a fun learning game in minutes. You can make a series of multiple choice questions or try Jumble mode. The format and number of questions are entirely up to you. Add videos, images and diagrams to your questions to amplify engagement. Just go to https://kahoot.com/, create an account and start creating your kahoots following some simple steps. Kahoots are best played in a group setting, like a classroom or a conference room – or even with family in the living room. Games are displayed on a shared screen – for example an interactive whiteboard. You can also use screensharing tools like Appear.In, Skype or Google Hangouts to include players from other classes or other parts of the world. Players join in using their own device – whether that is a smartphone, iPad, laptop, or desktop doesn’t matter, as long as they have a browser and good internet connection. Players do NOT need a kahoot account to play. They go to https://kahoot.it/ or they can also download the mobile app. Students sign in with a class code, choose a name and start having fun and learning at the same time. Kahoot provides real time results that can be downloaded for use. It is a quick and easy way to assess kids learning. It really makes learning awesome! Give it a try! 23