Teaching Practicum II Portfolio Martinez Alexis Portfolio Complete | Page 4

Professional competence is believed to be a crucial factor in classroom and school practices (Shulman, 1987, Campbell et al., 2004; Baumert and Kunter, 2006). To study this, a number of authors have used, for example, measures of the effects of constructivist compared with “reception/direct transmission” beliefs on teaching and learning, developed by Peterson et al.(1989). TALIS uses a domain-general version of two teaching and learning-related indices (constructivist and direct transmission) to cover teachers’ beliefs and basic understanding of the nature of teaching and learning. Teachers’ professional knowledge and actual practices may differ not only among countries but also among teachers within a country. To gain an understanding of the prevalence of certain beliefs and practices it is therefore important to examine how they relate to the characteristics of teachers and classrooms. For