Teaching Practicum II Portfolio Martinez Alexis Portfolio Complete | Page 31

The first 4-6 months I was using a kind of hall which was more like a dining room as my classroom, as there were too many students and the other classrooms were occupied, which was my first challenge in order to teach properly, as you can see, there were some pillars inside the room, which were a problem in order to keep students focused or have their attention all the time, as they were too many for that room and we could not properly see them all the time, but constant rotation and attention from us (teachers) to them sorted this problem as best as possible. Nelson Zepeda (my teacher partner) brought a small whiteboard (as we were not provided with one) in order to be able to get students attention at an specific point but it was not the same as having a big whiteboard in front of a classroom with proper desks for students, but we managed this issues with different activities. It was great to have more than one teacher in order to achieve every session objectives, it was really easy to work with my partner. 31