Teaching Practicum II Portfolio Martinez Alexis Portfolio Complete | Page 16

Thanks to new adaptive technology and tools , teachers can extend their influence way beyond the limits of what they were able to do before . By focusing on teaching students how to build basic skills , this technology can gradually prepare them for higher-lever learning and allow teachers to focus their efforts on deeper learning . Things like comprehensive learning profiles can go a long way toward helping personalize the process of learning .
Embracing the learning process is an important prerequisite for adopting new skills and knowledge , as well as all the intellectual challenges that go along with it . An essential part of the learning process should be setting goals , reflecting , accepting the fact that you may not know everything at all times , and accepting criticism and applying feedback and suggestions to become better , among other things .
Digital learning can also benefit education leaders in pretty much the same way it benefits students . Leaders can rely on digital courses , learning apps , and even learning and academic networks in order to hone and develop their leadership . These tools allow for a great deal of customization and flexibility , which is great , because leaders can really get down to the specifics .
While digital learning has certainly contributed to the quality of blended learning models , there is already a clear distinction between two different approaches : thin learning , which is your run-of-the-mill testing through multiple choice questions , and deeper learning , which directs students toward establishing a connection between their learning and work , by focusing on project-based learning and promoting their studies in front of a larger community .
It is important to stay connected and convene with education leaders from different districts and schools which promote deeper learning . Thanks to the Internet , it is just a matter of setting up a simple conference call and sharing ideas and receiving genuine and useful feedback .