Healthy Pregnancy Lesson Plans
Understanding the Lesson Plans
Lesson plans are an evolving tool that are often as unique as the educator . Experience helps educators customize their lesson plans to maximize learning within the time frame allotted . The following lesson plans can be used as they are or modified to meet your needs .
Healthy Pregnancy Lesson Plans
Suggested Structure ( 2 hours )
Early pregnancy workshop
Add-on to childbirth class . See Childbirth Curriculum ( sold separately ).
We have included the minimum time needed to teach the lesson plans as well as the individual topics ( on the following pages ). Additional time can be added to each topic or topics can be removed to shorten the plans . Time for breaks should be added to the lesson plans where needed .
Lesson plans are structured like this table :
Understanding the Lesson Plans
Time Topic Activities
This column provides a breakdown of the suggested amount of time to spend on each topic .
These headings correspond to those found in the course topics , which include detailed instructions for teaching each topic . The bullets contain reminders of the key points found in each course topic .
This column provides suggested activities and assignments for the topic . Discussion prompts can be found in corresponding course topics .
Suggested Resources
In addition to the Healthy Pregnancy book ( HP ) and corresponding PowerPoint slides ( HP PPT ), find suggestions for posters , props and select activities from the Childbirth Curriculum ( sold separately ) that we have included in this Teaching Guide .