Teaching East Asia: Korea Teaching East Asia: Korea | Page 288

soundtrack of Korea ’ s most famous folk song , “ Arirang ,” photographs , text , and lessons for teachers and their students )
Arirang : The Korean American Journey – A documentary in 2 parts ( 108 minutes ) Korean American history with a particularly dramatic coverage of the Los Angeles Riots and its significance for Korean Americans . It is ideal for United States History teachers . To order : Korean American history chapter and the order information at the end of the Korean American essay .
Korean American Adoptee Network – http :// www . kaanet . com ( Over 100,000 Korean children have been adopted in the United States . The organization works to build understanding among adoptees , adoptive families , and Koreans and Korean Americans . The site maintains a monthly newsletter , provides information on its annual conference , books , and birth family searches )
Korean Language Instruction :
International Korean Educators Network ( IKEN ) http :// ikeneducate . org ( IKEN was founded to establish a systematic support network to educate the future generation of Korean heritage students by strengthening their identity as Koreans through Korean language and cultural education as productive , global citizens of the future . IKEN has taken an active role in supporting educators of Korean language and culture in different types of schools such as Korean Dual Language Program , Korean language classes as a foreign language in secondary schools , and Korean community language schools in the world to share a common pedagogy in positively influencing the future generation . This objective is made possible with the active support of Korean policy makers and community partners who promote the Korean language .
Korean Cultural Center Los Angeles – www . kccla . org ( Information on learning the Korean language ) Korean War :
Harry S . Truman Library and Museum - http :// www . trumanlibrary . org / whistlestop / study _ collections / korea / large / index . htm ( The site examines the war from the perspective of the participants in policy , the battlefield , and those affected by the tragedy of the war )
Korean War FAQ - http :// www . centurychina . com / history / krwarfaq . html ( Provides extensive historical information on the Korean War )
Korea War Project - http :// www . koreanwar . org ( The site is focused on locating those that are still missing from the Korean War and a DNA project to identify the remains of individuals who continue to be found on the Korean peninsula )
Korean Pop / K-POP # K-POP – You Tube - https :// www . youtube . com / channel / UCsEonk9fs _ 9jmtw9PwER9yg and https :// www . youtube . com / user / kpopKo ( Since Korean pop culture is becoming an increasingly globalized phenomenon and globally popular in many parts of the world , this phenomenon allows South Korea to utilize its pop cultural sector to access markets throughout the world . During the past decade , the K-pop music market has experienced double digit growth rates . There is no doubt that Korean popular culture in music as well as film has captivated the minds of young people ).
Lesson Plans / Resources for the Classroom :