Teaching East Asia: Korea Teaching East Asia: Korea | Page 145

4. “My friend, the same wind that blows one door shut, often blows another open.” (p. 97) There are many paths to enlightenment. 5 “ But a well kept tradition can be stronger than law.” (p. 97) Tradition is an important part of Buddhist practice. 6. “One day, one village.” (p. 93) Crane Man tells Tree Ear to pretend he is only traveling to the next village. This represents the Buddhist idea of taking life one day at a time and remaining focused on the present. 7. Tree Ear support and honors Ajima and Crane Man as if they are family. onorin one s parents is one of the ve ey relationships in onf ianism. 8. “But a well kept tradition can be stronger than law. ” (p. 97) Tradition and returning to the old ways is a very important part of Confucian tradition. 9. “One hill, one valley.” (p. 148) his refle ts on the balan e of ood and evil. t shows that life is never all ood or evil b t a mi , whi h is symbolized by the Yin and Yang symbol of Daoism. 10. The fact that they live in a small village is a Daoist idea since they are closer to nature. Also, the stream represents going with the flow of Daoism. Identify each of the following as being examples of Buddhism, Daoism, or Confucianism. 11. The idea that work gives a person dignity. 12. The monks take care of orphans. 13. The importance of scholars and learning. 14. Not making eye contact. 15. Bowing out of respect for elders. 16. Tree Ear’s frustration that he can’t work on pottery the first day he is at work. 17. Knowing one’s position in society. 18. Monks donating clothes to the poor. 19. The importance of patience and perfection. 20. The importance of addressing someone correctly. 21. Living by the stream. 22. Tree Ear saving food for Crane Man. 82 139 145