Teaching East Asia: Korea Teaching East Asia: Korea | Page 109

Asia in AP , IB , and Undergraduate Honors Courses
cultures — even Asian ones — and that those countries that have successfully transitioned to stable democracies enjoy relatively greater prosperity and global engagement than nondemocratic Asian states .
The Pacific Century , Part 9 , “ Sentimental Imperialists : Americans in Asia .” Claremont , CA : Pacific Basin Institute , 1992 . Originally aired on the Public Broadcasting Service ( PBS ) in 1992 . Available on YouTube at http :// tinyurl . com / z9k3m9s .
Democracy in Southeast Asia Southeast Asia is one of the most populous areas on earth , and one of the most diverse in
terms of language , religion , and ethnicity . The region also runs the political gamut from communist states to military dictatorships to fledgling democracies . A good way to introduce students to these complexities is through a simple “ identity mapping ” exercise . This could be followed by a discussion of what makes a nation or a debate over whether diversity is an obstacle to democracy .
The online documentary From the Barrel of a Gun tells the story of Ho Chi Minh of Việt Nam and Sukarno of Indonesia , each of whom won independence from Western imperialist nations using violence . But since then , they have followed very different paths . After reading the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence drafted by Ho Chi Minh , students can consider the following questions : How is this similar to our own Declaration of Independence ? Ironically , how does Ho Chi Minh view America and France , the bastions of modern democracy ? How did the actions of leading Western democracies act against our ideals during the Cold War ?
Indonesia , the world ’ s largest Muslim nation , recently emerged as a surprising role model for democracy among its neighbors ; an accessible 2014 New York Times article is an informative classroom resource on Indonesian democracy . Myanmar ’ s recent ( and ongoing ) transition from military dictatorship to democracy under Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi offers further hope for the region . On the other hand ( as described in the 2014 article of The Guardian ), after a military coup in Thailand , the government pulled the film The Hunger Games from theaters and banned symbols from the film because it portrays a popular uprising that inspired Thai dissidents . The nation of Singapore presents a conundrum : it has been captive to a single party for decades and , according to Freedom House , ranks in the bottom half of the world in terms of democratic participation and personal liberties , and yet it enjoys a level of prosperity higher than that of many Western democracies . Do the material successes in China and Singapore offer a viable alternative to democracy , as some Asian nations argue ? What may be the pros and cons of their systems ?
Meissner , Caits . “ In the Classroom : Exploring Identity .” Well and Often 1 ( 2012 ). Accessed March 7 , 2016 . http :// tinyurl . com / gm2cvtd .
The Pacific Century , Part 3 , “ From the Barrel of a Gun .” Claremont , CA : Pacific Basin Institute , 1992 . Originally aired on PBS in 1992 . Available on YouTube at http :// tinyurl . com / zy8xq3l .
“ Document No . 34 : Proclamation of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam ( September 2 , 1945 ).” In Vietnam : The Definitive Documentation of Human Decisions . Edited by Gareth Porter . Stanfordville , NY : E . M . Coleman Enterprises , 1979 . http :// tinyurl . com / jj7aoqk .
Cochrane , Joe . “ In Southeast Asia , Indonesia Is an Unlikely Role Model for Democracy .” The New York Times . September 4 , 2014 . http :// tinyurl . com / zemgff9 .
Associated Press in Bangkok . “ Hunger Games Salute Banned by Thai Military .” The Guardian . June 3 , 2014 . http :// tinyurl . com / nqa95oh .
Left : Ho Chi Minh ( front row , first on left ) with Communist Party members in Paris . Source : Screen capture From the Barrel of a Gun , segment 3 on YouTube at http :// tinyurl . com / zjsfnuo .
Right : Sukarno , first President of Indonesia . Source : From the Barrel of a Gun , segment 4 on YouTube at http :// tinyurl . com / hjeptj2 .
Islam and Democracy in Central and Southwest Asia Despite their individual differences , all of Central Asia ’ s peoples face similar challenges as
they set out to construct or rebuild their states : ethnic and religious diversity , difficult terrain , poor infrastructure , poverty and mostly agrarian economies , and governing regimes
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